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A Free Pomodoro Technique app for Windows


XorTime® is a light-weight yet powerful tool to easily implement Pomodoro Technique®.

XorTime® features a Pomodoro Timer, a Todo list, an Activity Inventory, Stats capabilities to track your progress and more!

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Time-tracking and Stats

You may use XorTime® as a simple Todo list app.
Or else you can get the whole benefits of an integrated tool which can train your focus skills, track your distractions, diagram how your work time is spread over activities and projects, provide a history of completed tasks.

What's Pomodoro Technique?

Learn the basics of a simple method that will boost your productivity.

Quick Tutorial..

Track your Actual Work Time

XorTime® is a Pomodoro Technique app that shows your improvements as you progress.
See how you're performing throughout the month. Watch Video


As long as you practise the Pomodoro Technique you'll improve your concentration skills.
The ability to focus is like a mental muscle. The more we work it out, the stronger it becomes.
The built-in Pomodoro Timer will measure your work time under the hood.
XorTime® stats will show measurements of your actual work time on a month basis.

Monitor your Activities

You may keep track of what types of tasks you're working on.
Define your own activity types in which you are involved - eg

  • Market Research
  • Customer Support
  • House Chores
  • ...

you name it.


XorTime® will show how your working time has been spread over your activities.

Instant View on your Effort per Projects

Define your own projects, eg

  • Learn Spanish
  • Design new web-site for JW Bank
  • Write book 'A Yoga primer'
  • ...

See the amount of time you have spent on each.

Time spent on Projects

See how

When I started with Pomodoro Technique..

Time is never enough, right?

We rush all the day but quite often we feel like we haven't done enough.

Always caught on (too) many activities and - who knows why - our list of outstanding things still grows up.


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